Is your GHG-reducing Business Plan facing market barriers?
The Green-ON Challenge will provide up to $300 Million for businesses aiming at GHG reduction in buildings or in the production of goods. To be considered, you must apply by May 25, 2018.
Ontario’s Cap and Trade program, which came into force at the beginning of 2018, is expected to generate up to $1.9 Billion annually for the Province’s coffers, all of which is legally bound to be directed toward additional GHG reducing initiatives. Ontario’s proceeds of the auctions, held jointly with Quebec and California, are first directed to the Ontario Greenhouse Gas Reduction Account (GGRA), and a portion of these will be delivered through the Green Ontario Fund.
The Green Ontario Fund is mandated to stimulate the development of industry, trades and business undertakings in the province that further the deployment of commercially available and proven technology that reduces greenhouse gas emissions by, amongst others, “[identifying] market barriers inhibiting the deployment of that technology and addressing those market barriers”.
The Fund is now inviting participants to submit “big ideas for reducing greenhouse gas emissions” in buildings and the production of goods.
Read more below, from
The GreenON Challenge will harness the creativity and expertise of businesses and organizations with the aim of achieving lasting change through the creation of a strong, innovative and competitive low-carbon economy.
The program is focused on projects that identify and propose a solution to a market barrier in deploying commercially available low-carbon technologies and/or improving processes in buildings or the production of goods.
For full details, please review the program rules.
Who can participate
The program is open to:
- Ontario-based incorporated not-for-profit organizations (e.g. community based organizations)
- Ontario-based private businesses (for the production of goods sector, businesses must have between 1-499 paid employees)
- Ontario-based Indigenous incorporated not-for-profit organizations, private businesses, and governments
- Conservation Authorities
- Registered charities
- Utilities
Ineligible organizations may form part of an eligible organization’s project implementation team but cannot be the lead applicant.
The Green Ontario Fund encourages partnerships / consortiums to apply, however, one eligible lead applicant must be identified.
What you can get
The Green Ontario Fund could invest up to $300 million in the GreenON Challenge, beginning in 2018-19, pending the review of projects by potential applicants. Project funding will be considered on a case by case basis.
Applicants must demonstrate funding contributions, which may include ineligible project costs, base case costs, cash and/or in-kind contributions.
Listed below are tools to help you understand the GreenON Challenge and how you can participate.
- Access the archive of the April 17th webinar on how to participate in GreenON Challenge, including the overview of the program, followed by Q&A session (please note that your are required to register to view the file).
How to get started
- Review the full GreenON Challenge program guidelines.
- Download and complete the GreenON Challenge Expression of Ideas PDF application form.
- Submit your idea using our online form below, with the PDF attached, by May 25th, 2018.
Please note that the Expression of Ideas submission deadline has been extended to Friday May 25th.
All questions must be submitted to by May 1st.
All answers will be provided by May 7th.
No communication is permissible between GreenON and proponents between May 8th to May 25th.
Following evaluation of the applications, shortlisted applicants will be invited to submit a full business case, which will require supplementary information on financial and technical elements of the project. This process may be staggered.
If you have any questions about your application, please email