Would you like to help promote community green energy? Become a member of LIFE Co-op today!


Membership is open to Ontario residents over 16 years of age. Please print and complete the Membership Application Form and mail it with payment of $75, to:

Local Initiative for Future Energy Co-operative Inc.
@ The Treehaus Collaborative Workspace
79 Joseph Street, Kitchener, N2G 1J2

OR email the signed application and payment (as an email transfer) to info@lifecoop.ca.

Of course you can always contact us if you have any questions about membership, by email or phone 1 (866) 889-9155 or by using the form at the bottom of this page. 

Frequently Asked Questions about Membership


Co-op membership involves degrees of both ownership and of participation in decision-making. Each member is an owner of the co-op and its projects, and all members are entitled to vote in elections of Board members and in decisions on the co-op's direction and plans. Members are also encouraged to volunteer as directors or to sit on any number of committees, or just to join us at upcoming events.

Members may receive dividends from the co-op when they become available, but only after Shareholders are rewarded and reasonable reserves set aside for future projects.

Members can help steer their investments to meet co-operative and community needs. Membership provides a sense of ownership and control over the development of renewable energy, and a chance to participate in building the energy infrastructure of the future, reducing pollution and being an active part of societal change. We encourage you to join LIFE so that you can be a part of the solution to today's energy dilemma.

Why become a member?

No, contributions of volunteer time are not mandatory. However, LIFE Co-op may periodically invite you to join a committee and/or contribute your skills to a project, and members are welcome to accompany directors at public events. A co-op is made up of its members, and such contributions are always welcome


Do I need to volunteer?

Will my membership affect my hydro bill?

No, not unless the project is located on your property and you choose a "net metering" arrangement, or can disconnect from the grid altogether. This may be possible with our future biogas projects, small wind or solar. Commercial sized projects are generally connected to the grid, and the power sold under the Ontario Power Authority's FIT contract, which offers better financial returns than other options.


Do you have questions about membership? Contact us!